Below is the video presentation of my 10 week creative project.
It summarises in four minutes and twenty seconds what activities I did. To read more about each task see my earlier blogs.
All these tasks challenged me and my comfort zone in a multitude of ways, and there were times and certain tasks where I doubted myself. I want to do everything, and I want to be able to do everything. I find it hard to accept that I can't do something which is why I will try mostly anything. I certainly won't bungee jump or jump out of a plane anytime soon, but the biggest thing these tasks have taught me is to not hate on myself if I can't do everything. I was terrible at Flying trapeze, and even though I faced my fear of heights I left feeling depressed that I hadn't been as good as everyone else.
My biggest obstacle in my own self development in my quest for awesomeness and challenges is wanting to be like other people. I came to realsie that I need to get excited about my own personal acheivements and not worry if I'm not as good a dancer as my friend who has done it for 23 years, or not as good at flying trapeze as my sister who is an ex gymnast.
I did all these things, and that in itself is something to be hugely proud of. I gave it a go, and nobody can ever say I didn't try. I remember in my very first term of pole fitness two years ago telling my teacher (and then colleague) that I couldn't do one of the moves no matter how hard I tried. As a girl who had had a huge transformation in mind and body since she started pole, she was well equipped to give the following words of advice:
"Don't say I cant... Say I will."
And though sometimes I can be over ambitious or over confident when declaring I will be able to do something, as long as I keep the attitude that if I try long and hard enough, with the exception of perhaps inventing teleportation, I can and will do anything I set my mind do.
What's next for me? There are still so many things I want to try and take part in, and while I will fit all those other things where my timetable allows, my next biggest goal is to take an acting course. I won't be able to start until the start of next year, but it is something I have always wanted to do, and have long put off for fear I would be terrible at it.
Here's to bigger and better things. Watch this space for updates of new and wonderful experiences!
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